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A Message To Those Who Are Suffering

God Is There - Consider Changing Your Perspective

4 minute read

Seeing God’s Blessings In A New Light


If you’re in pain, in the midst of a trial, or if life hasn’t played out like you expected, there is hope.  Hope in the knowledge that God is still there even if your prayers have gone unanswered and/or if it seems like He’s abandoned you.  God loves you, He wants you to love Him, He wants what’s best for you, and He has a plan for you.  Sure, that may sound like babble but it’s all true.  Perhaps a change in perspective might help.

First of all, to be clear, no one can tell you what God’s plan is for you.  It’s between you and God.  You’ve probably already noticed that very few of our own plans work out the way we expect.  But that’s okay.  That fact is true for everyone.  Furthermore, His plan for you may not be obvious because you may be looking inward at yourself or comparing yourself against others neither of which is helpful nor appropriate.

What is helpful is knowing that God is working with you, through you and, in some cases, despite you – all for His good purposes.  Hopefully, it’s comforting to see that you, your life, your connections with others, and every aspect of life around you are all part of His plan.  But how do we know that and have confidence in it?  Most especially, how is it possible your suffering is part of God’s plan?

Start by looking outside at the world around you – at His creation.  God has revealed Himself there but it’s often easy to take that for granted.  Focus on the beauty of a sunrise or sunset.  At the elegance of the trees, plants, grass, and rejuvenation from the rain.  Watch the birds and nearby animals as they flourish.  These are all God’s creations and they are there, in part, to help remind you of His presence.  If you’re near a lake, a forest, a desert, or a mountain, consider spending some time there if you’re able.  Or just go outside and enjoy the environment.  But put aside any cynicism or bitterness you might be experiencing – at least for a while.  Try to focus on God’s creation and just enjoy it.

Next, relish all the blessings God has provided.  A roof over your head.  Food on your table.  Friends, family or other loved ones.  If your suffering has isolated you, reach out to others you know – in person, via the phone, via email/messaging or social network.  Spend time bonding with them.  Take time right now to list 5 blessings in your life.  Then list 5 more.  And 5 more.  Reread that list every day and then list 5 more.  Perhaps your blessings are modest, but frankly, those modest ones are the best ones.  Keep at it.  You may have to work a bit but you’ll be surprised how many you can come up with.  God has blessed you in so many ways – despite your suffering.  Focus on those things.

Here’s something to consider: if you really think about it, is it important to live in a big house, drive a fancy car, have lots of money, be famous, have a job with a fancy title, be “important”, be better than your neighbor, be revered on social media, impress those around you, climb the corporate ladder, have expensive toys, or any such things?  Be honest with yourself – does any of that stuff make you truly happy?  Truly satisfied?  Sure, they sound nice but in reality, it’s just “stuff” and none of it is important.  They are not worth your time nor your focus.

What is worth your time and your focus?  It’s back to God and the blessings He’s already provided you.  Those are worth your time and your focus.  Why is that important?  So you can focus on the fact that God really does love you, He really does want you to love Him, He really does want what’s best for you, and He really does have a plan for you.

When you pray, thank Him for each one of your blessings, thank Him for His creation, thank Him for loving you, ask Him to reveal Himself to you through His creation and through your interactions with others, ask Him to bless those whom you love, ask Him to forgive your past sins, and ask Him to be with you because you love Him.  Maybe you need to get on your knees for that kind of praying.  And likely you need to do this every day.

Notice that those prayers are not focused on you, your ailments, your pain, nor your suffering.  God knows all about those things and knows what you want and need.  The point here is to help move you past your inward focus so that you can recognize that God is active in your life.  He will comfort you if genuinely turn away from your issues and focus on Him and His blessings.

Finally, consider reading your Bible.  If you don’t have a Bible, download one.  If that’s not possible, get one from the library or buy one.  If you need help with any of that, visit a nearby church.  They will probably be happy to help you.  Once you have a Bible, read the book of Mark a few times over the course of a week or two.  Then do the same with Matthew followed by John.  Next read Luke followed by Acts.  Don’t get overwhelmed, just start, read a chapter or two or three each day and keep going.  Think about what you read and pray to God before, during or after.  God wants you to love Him, choose Him and choose to be with Him for eternity.  The instructions for all that are found in those books.

Let me pray for you.  Heavenly Father, please bless the person reading this and grant them peace and comfort.  Lord, please wrap your loving arms around them and let them feel your presence in their heart.  Lord God, grant them respite from all their suffering and allow them to experience your love.  Reveal yourself to them is a new way so they know you’re there, loving them, caring for them and guiding them according to your mighty plan for them.  Lord, bless them and those whom they love.  Fill their hearts with your love so they will live life according to your will.  We love you and we thank you for all the blessings you’ve provided.  Amen.

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